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sábado, fevereiro 14, 2015

Esqueçam o petróleo!

Boa parte do petróleo que alimentou o séc. 20 e alimentará talvez metade do séc. 21 vem da era dos dinossauros, i.e. de há 250 milhões de anos atrás. E está no fim!

Peak Oil is the “new normal”

A euforia fabricada em volta do petróleo e do gás de xisto obtidos por fratura de rochas de xisto —fracking— não passa de uma e derradeira tentativa de esconder o impacto tremendo que o Pico do Petróleo terá (já está a a ter) na evolução humana. Todos os conflitos militares atualmente em curso, de que o terrorismo é apenas a sua face mais horrendamente visível, têm origem nas disputas geoestratégicas para controlar o que resta de reservatórios naturais de petróleo e gás natural de boa qualidade e relativamente acessíveis. É que abaixo dos 60-80 dólares o barril as explorações são pura e simplesmente deficitárias, e acima dos 100 dólares as economias deixam de crescer saudavelmente, i.e. sem recurso a formas de endividamento insustentável e especulativo.

The global “new normal” é isto: crescimento débil, queda persistente dos rendimentos do trabalho, elevado desemprego estrutural e estagnação da criação de novos empregos, pelo menos enquanto não mudarmos de paradigma económico, social e cultural.

No entanto, dada a correlação existente nos EUA entre petróleo barato e crescimento de salários é possível que o fracking seja uma tentativa desesperada de inverter a queda imparável dos rendimentos de 99% dos americanos à custa de uma mistificação necessariamente temporária e precária.

Oil, the economy’s central power source, is now insufficient for 3% economic growth
Aleklett’s Energy Mix. Posted on January 28, 2015

“If we look back to 2004, the International Energy Agency (IEA) stated that increased economic growth of 3% per year required increased oil consumption of around 1.5%. Looking forward, the IEA predicted that, due to economic growth, in 2030 oil production would need to be 122 million barrels per day (Mb/d). Some weeks later I did an analysis that showed that their predictions could never be realised, i.e. the fuel for the expected economic growth could not be supplied at the rate required (TheUppsalaCode).

Now the IEA has adjusted its prognosis so that, for 2030, it describes a rate of oil production (without processing gane) of 92 Mb/d, i.e. a reduction of 30 Mb/d compared to its earlier forecast. Historically, we have never seen global economic growth without increased consumption of oil. During the 1960s the rate of increase in oil use was 8% per year. From the mid-1980s until 2005 we saw an increase of 1.6% per year. In November 2014 the IEA stated that it was optimistic that there would be an increase in oil use of 0.5% per year until 2035. This is a very significant contraction from earlier forecasts but the significance of this has so far not been understood by politicians and economists.

Our economy is not configured to cope with decreased oil use. We still need oil to transport the goods we wish to purchase/consume (including food) and to drive the vehicles that take us to where those goods are sold. If the coupling between economic growth and oil use is similar now to as it was during the 1980s and 1990s then we cannot expect more than 1% annual economic growth in future, and maybe less.”

Alguns gráficos e referência que merecem atenção

Correlação entre preço do petróleoe salários nos EUA
“A new theory of energy and the economy – Part 1 – Generating economic growth”. By Gail Tverberg, in Our Finite World, Posted on January 21, 2015.

“World Energy Consumption Since 1820 in Charts”. By Gail Tverberg, in Our Finite World.

sexta-feira, fevereiro 13, 2015

Alemanha aprova 'fracking'

Um campo de 'fracking' no Canadá
Foto: Simon Fraser University

A Alemanha faz o que quer e sobra-lhe tempo. Sobrará?

Governo alemão aprova a criminosa indústria de fracking no seu território—para explorar gás!

Não teria sido melhor ter desenvolvido uma diplomacia inteligente com a Rússia, a Turquia, Grécia e Chipre, em vez de andar a reboque das estratégias imperiais dos insolventes americanos?

E já agora, não deveria a União Europeia discutir o assunto previamente, dado o precedente que gera para os restantes governos da União Europeia? Ou é só para o que interessa à Alemanha que os assuntos descem aos indigentes burocratas de Bruxelas?

O fracking mede de forma clara a chegada do Pico do Petróleo. Não existe prova mais cabal das previsões de Hubbert (1956). Mas neste caso específico, a decisão alemã, que conta também com o apoio dos sociais-democratas, mede sobretudo o grau de pânico existente no setor energético alemão em resultado da sua desatrosa política de alianças.

German government approves fracking
EurActiv. Published: 13/02/2015 - 07:08

The German government has tabled a draft law permitting fracking in the country, with environmental associations criticising the draft as fragmented and risky, calling on the government to concentrate on implementing the Energiewende, instead. EurActiv Germany reports.

After a long debate over the use of fracking technology in Germany, the federal government issued a draft law allowing the controversial gas extraction method under certain conditions and in isolated cases.

German Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks made every effort to dispel concerns over the controversial gas extraction technology. “In this way, we are applying the strictest rules that have ever existed in the fracking industry,” the Social Democratic Party (SPD) politician assured.

It will only be permitted under the strictest conditions and with the highest regard for the environment and drinking water, she said. The earliest possible date for initiation would be in 2019, because sample drillings must first be conducted to gather the necessary knowledge on the technology, Hendricks explained.

quinta-feira, dezembro 18, 2014

A bolha de xisto já rebentou!

A ilusão petrolífera americana foi mais uma bolha especulativa

A voz corrente confundiu, uma vez mais, o desejo com a realidade.

O desejo é que haja abundância eterna de petróleo fino na crosta terrestre. A realidade é que o petróleo só poderia continuar a servir a era de crescimento rápido que a Humanidade conheceu nos últimos duzentos anos se os custos da produção deste, bem como a produção do carvão e do petróleo de carvão, do GTL e de outras fontes móveis e imóveis (eólicas, paineis solares e barragens, por exemplo) de energia não tornar as operações comercialmente impossíveis, o que já está a ocorrer por toda a parte. Não se pode gastar mais na produção de um bem do que o preço máximo pelo qual o poderemos vender!

The Fracturing Energy Bubble Is the New Housing Crash
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/17/2014 18:10 -0500
Zero Hedge
The graph below which shows that every net job created in the US during the last seven years is attributable to the shale states will be one of the first to morph into a less happy shape.

But there is something else even more significant. The global oil price collapse now unfolding is not putting a single dime into the pockets of American households - the CNBC talking heads to the contrary notwithstanding.  What is happening is the vast flood of mispriced debt and capital, which flowed into the energy sector owning to the Fed’s lunatic ZIRP and QE policies, is now rapidly deflating.

That will reduce bubble spending and investment, not add to economic growth. It’s the housing bust all over again.
"It's A Huge Crisis" - The UK Oil Industry Is "Close To Collapse"
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/18/2014 23:21 -0500
Zero Hedge
"Almost no new projects in the North Sea are profitable with oil below $60 a barrel, he claims. 'Everyone is retreating'"

Comstock Suspends Drilling In Eagle Ford Due To Plunging Oil Prices
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/18/2014 16:26 -0500
Zero Hedge

Shale 0 - Saudi Arabia 1

Following one after another major and shale company announcing plans to trim capex (even as they miraculously still get to keep their revenue and EPS projections intact, for now), the latest victory handed to Saudi Arabia on a silver platter comes courtesy of Comstock Resources (Total Debt/EBITDA 2.4x, EBITDA $421MM, CapEx $674MM) Comstock Resources said earlier today that in response to low oil prices, plans to suspend oil directed drilling activity in its Eagle Ford shale properties and in Tuscaloosa Marine shale.

It was not immediately clear how many high-paying oilfield jobs would be promptly terminated as a result of this unambiguously good development.

Calculating The Breakeven Price For The Median Bakken Shale Well

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/19/2014 14:26 -0500
Zero Hedge

Authored by CEO of the SOFA,

A lot of data has been thrown around recently concerning the Bakken shale wells of North Dakota in an attempt to figure out the necessary oil price required to break even on the investment.  In order to get a clearer picture of the financial situation in Bakken, it is necessary to develop a financial model of the median Bakken well (attached). 

With a discount rate of 15%, the median well has a profitability index of 1.02 (after federal income tax) if $66 per barrel is used.   (A profitability index of 1.0 indicates a break even situation at the discount rate that was used in the model).  This means that at $66 per barrel, half the wells are uneconomic.  If oil prices settle out at this price it can be expected that the number of wells drilled should be reduced by about half.

If the current oil price of $55 per barrel is used, the initial production rate has to be increased to 800 BPD in order to break even.  According to the J.D. Hughes data, 25% of the wells have an initial production rate of 1000 BPD or more.  Accordingly, if oil prices settle out at the current price, the number of wells drilled will be about a quarter of the present number.

Oil Crash Exposes New Risks for U.S. Shale Drillers
By Asjylyn Loder Dec 19, 2014 8:19 PM GMT+0000

Shares of oil companies are also dropping, with a 49 percent decline in the 76-member Bloomberg Intelligence North America E&P Valuation Peers index from this year’s peak in June. The drilling had been driven by high oil prices and low-cost financing. Companies spent $1.30 for every dollar earned selling oil and gas in the third quarter, according to data compiled by Bloomberg on 56 of the U.S.-listed companies in the E&P index.

Financing costs are now rising as prices sink. The average borrowing cost for energy companies in the U.S. high-yield debt market has almost doubled to 10.43 percent from an all-time low of 5.68 percent in June, Bank of America Merrill Lynch data show.

Atualização: 19 dez 2014 23:45 WET

quarta-feira, outubro 29, 2014

Total War over the Petrodollar | Casey Research

Se os Estados Unidos fossem a nova Arábia Saudita não andariam preocupados com o petróleo dos outros

Não é, Prof. António Costa e Silva?

The conspiracy theories surrounding the death of Total SA’s chief executive, Christophe de Margerie, started the second the news broke of his death. Under mysterious circumstances in Moscow, his private jet collided with a snowplow just after midnight. De Margerie was the CEO of Total, France’s largest oil company.

He’d just attended a private meeting with Russian Prime Minister Medvedev, at a time when the West’s relationship with Russia is fraught, to say the least.

Total War over the Petrodollar | Casey Research: snow plow