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sexta-feira, fevereiro 06, 2015

Dagon prevê nova crise financeira

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World heading for financial crisis worse than in 2008 — China’s Dagong rating agency head
February 04, 13:34 UTC+3

BEIJING, February 4. /TASS/. The world economy may slip into a new global financial crisis in the next few years, China’s Dagong Rating Agency Head Guan Jianzhong said in an interview with TASS news agency on Wednesday.

"I believe we’ll have to face a new world financial crisis in the next few years. It is difficult to give the exact time but all the signs are present, such as the growing volume of debts and the unsteady development of the economies of the US, the EU, China and some other developing countries," he said, adding the situation is even worse than ahead of 2008."

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quarta-feira, julho 13, 2011

Dagong contra-ataca!

Agência de notação chinesa ameaça baixar a notação da descomunal dívida americana!

Como anunciámos há meses, há de facto uma guerra financeira em curso entre o USD e o Euro.

Dagong contra-ataca manobras de sabotagem financeira americanas (China Daily)

Dagonga agência de rating chinesa— anuncia (China Daily) que irá baixar a notação da dívida norte-americana independentemente de Obama conseguir ou não aumentar o tecto da endividamento do seu país. É a resposta aos serviços que a Moody's tem vindo a prestar a Washington e Wall Street.

A Moody's além de ter iniciado uma série de acções de sabotagem financeira premeditadas e sincronizadas contra a moeda única europeia, atreveu-se a destapar a careca a 10% da dívida pública chinesa de má reputação que andava escondida nos municípios e regiões do país (lá como cá!)

A resposta chinesa não se fez esperar, tal como previmos há meses atrás. A China está farta do dólar, e aposta no euro — ponto final. Resta saber quando e se esta guerra financeira mundial dará lugar a uma nova moeda de reserva alternativa ao papel higiénico verde da América, e que tipo de moeda será...

Se ao menos a Europa tivesse um primeiro-ministro. Enquanto não saímos disto, porque não colocar em rede os bancos centrais da Eurolândia, com o BCE no topo, à semelhança da Reserva Federal? Sempre teríamos uma capacidade de resposta (e de controlo efectivo dos défices públicos) à altura da trapalhada em que estamos metidos e dos desafios enormes que temos pela frente.

Rating Agency Wars 2: The New Evil Empire Strikes Back - Dagong Says Likely To Downgrade US Even If Debt Limit Raised (

When on July 4 we reported the patriotic decision by Moody's to suddenly discover that up to 10% of China's GDP is concentrated in previously undisclosed bad debt, we suggest that "Dagong downgrades the US to junk status in 5, 4, 3..." Well, it's one and a half. China Daily has just reported that according to the notorious abovementioned Dagong rating agency, "The US' sovereign credit rating is likely to be downgraded regardless of whether the US Congress reaches an agreement on raising its statutory debt limit. "If the debt limit is raised and the public debt continues to grow, it will further damage the US' debt-paying ability, which is a key factor in Dagong's evaluation, and we will consider lowering its ratings accordingly," said Guan Jianzhong, chairman and CEO of Dagong. "If the raised limit fails to pass and the US faces default, the rating will be immediately and substantially downgraded," he said. According to Guan, the downgrading is really just "a matter of time and extent". And if Europe is suffering now, after Moody's has discovered religion and is slapping ratings downgrades at each and every PIIG, just wait until the global Nash equilibrium collapse in the rating agency Ponzi preservation prerogative goes trans-Pacific. Because following the imminent Dagong downgrade, Moody's and S&P will retaliate yet again, this time likely throwing Japan into the fray yet again, until such time as virtually the entire overleveraged world declares any and all rating agency employees persona non-grata —in ZeroHedge.