domingo, novembro 22, 2015

Monsieur Hollande écoutez Tulsi Gabbard

Uma congressista democrática, nascida na Samoa americana, vegetariana, hinduísta, veterana de guerra, que todos deveriam ouvir

Não é apenas a sua agenda política que surpreende, pela justeza das ideias, inteligência concisa e precisão nos argumentos, mas também a visão do mundo que emana das palavras de uma mulher sem dúvida extraordinária, que adora surfar, mas que também realizou duas comissões de serviço no teatro de guerra do Iraque. Saber de experiência feito. Tulsi Gabbard, uma política da nova geração, que merece um seguimento atento.

Zero Hedge:

Perhaps if the clueless masses won't listen to "lunatic" fringe blogs or Sergei Lavrov, they'll listen to a US Congresswoman who served two tours of duty in Iraq and who is now telling Americans that The White House, The Pentagon, and most especially the CIA are together engaged in an "illegal" effort to overthrow the government of a sovereign country and in the process are arming the very same extremists that are attacking civilians in places like Paris. 
Good luck Tulsi, and thanks for proving that there's at least one person inside that Beltway that isn't either dishonest or naive. 
From Gabbard
 “Here are 10 reasons the U.S. must end its war to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad: 
1. Because if we succeed in overthrowing the Syrian government of Assad, it will open the door for ISIS, al-Qaeda, and other Islamic extremists to take over all of Syria.  There will be genocide and suffering on a scale beyond our imagination.  These Islamic extremists will take over all the weaponry, infrastructure, and military hardware of the Syrian army and be more dangerous than ever before. 
2. We should not be allying ourselves with these Islamic extremists by helping them achieve their goal because it is against the security interests of the United States and all of civilization.
3. Because the money and weapons the CIA is providing to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad are going directly or indirectly into the hands of the Islamic extremist groups, including al-Qaeda affiliates, al-Nusra, Ahrar al-Sham, and others who are the actual enemies of the United States.  These groups make up close to 90 percent of the so-called opposition forces, and are the most dominant fighters on the ground. 
4. Because our efforts to overthrow Assad has increased and will continue to increase the strength of ISIS and other Islamic extremists, thus making them a bigger regional and global threat. 
5. Because this war has exacerbated the chaos and carnage in Syria and, along with the terror inflicted by ISIS and other Islamic extremist groups fighting to take over Syria, continues to increase the number of Syrians forced to flee their country. 
6. Because we should learn from our past mistakes in Iraq and Libya that U.S. wars to overthrow secular dictators (Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi) cause even more chaos and human suffering and open the door for Islamic extremists to take over in those countries. 
7. Because the U.S. has no credible government or government leader ready to bring order, security, and freedom to the people of Syria. 
8. Because even the ‘best case’ scenario—that the U.S. successfully overthrows the Syrian government of Assad—would obligate the United States to spend trillions of dollars and the lives of American service members in the futile effort to create a new Syria.  This is what we have been trying to do in Iraq for twelve years, and we still have not succeeded.  The situation in Syria will be much more difficult than in Iraq. 
9. Because our war against the Syrian government of Assad is interfering with our being one-pointedly focused on the war to defeat ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and the other Islamic extremists who are our actual enemy. 
10. Because our war to overthrow the Assad government puts us in direct conflict with Russia and increases the likelihood of war between the United States and Russia and the possibility of another world war.”

Ainda sobre este tema...

Envolvimento dos Estados Unidos e da Arábia Saudita, Qatar e Turquia, na criação e apoio económico e militar à criação de um Estado Islâmico no Iraque e na Síria (ISIS) é hoje uma evidência. Os documentos são oficiais e já foram desclassificados. O envolvimento da França no financiamento e apoio tático à oposição armada a Bashar al-Assad é também factual. Esperemos que o alarme geral lançado em França e na Bélgica não seja apenas uma cortina de fumo para esconder o que já é óbvio.

ISIS Coverup: US Centcom Accused Of Lying To President, Congress, Public About Airstrikes, Ground Fight 
Zero Hedge, Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/22/2015 12:31 -0500 
“...there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist Principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).” 

Atualização:  22 nov 2015, 22:52 WET

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